
Samsung has recently come under fire for exploding batteries, swollen batteries, batteries burning people’s homes down… While many of those likely aren’t Samsung’s fault, (most of them can be traced back to aftermarket chargers and batteries) it looks bad to a potential consumer when your product explodes and destroys a house, regardless of who deserves the blame. To counteract some of that negative press, Samsung is investing in solid state, flexible batteries for future products.

Solid state batteries don’t suffer from heat problems like lithium-ion batteries do, but they’re also quite a bit weaker than the lithium batteries that are currently available. That’s where Samsung comes in; they aren’t exactly developing these solid state batteries, but rather they’re going to be investing in the technology and developing it to the point where they make a suitable replacement for what’s currently in our phones and tablets (possibly laptops, too?). To top it off, these solid state batteries are also capable of being extremely flexible, and we’ve already seen that flexible tech is a big deal to Samsung. Of course, flexible batteries would also benefit gadgets like Google Glass or Samsung’s Galaxy Gear, so that’s not just limited to phones.

Unfortunately, we probably won’t see these batteries hit devices anytime soon. The earliest reports peg this technology being available in 2015, and that’s assuming Samsung doesn’t run into any roadblocks. But hey, good to see Samsung try to push the envelope and do something that could benefit all of our devices.

source: G for Games

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