Samsung ISOCELL sensor

We’re barely 5 months into the release of the Samsung Galaxy S4 and the Korean manufacturer is already giving us a sneak peek at some of the new hardware that will no doubt make a debut in their next flagship device. Announced via the Samsung Tomorrow blog is an all new 8MP CMOS image sensor for “premium” mobile devices dubbed ISOCEL (patent pending).

According to the Samsung, it was the ever increasing “market pressure” that lead them to develop ISOCELL, and is the reason why the came up with a new way to shrink down pixel size, while still improving camera performance. Thanks to a tiny physical barrier between pixels, ISOCELL is able to isolate each individual pixel on the camera sensor, enhancing image quality with less cross-pixel interference. The result is a solid low-light performer that produces 30% better dynamic range than current backside illuminated (BSI) sensors. Comparison image below.

Samsung ISOCELL camera comparison

Samsung even managed to shrink down the size of the entire camera unit, ensuring ISOCELL will be the perfect fit for a likely slimmer Galaxy phone. Samsung says the ISOCELL will go into mass production later this year, giving them ample time to equip them inside next year’s Samsung Galaxy S5.

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