Developer : Trion Worlds
Publisher: Trion Worlds
Platform: Windows
Genre: MMORPG (Multiplayer) Pay-to-play
ESRB: Teen
Release Date: Out now!
Price: 49.99-79.99 (monthly fee required @ 15.00)
Buy it Here: Steam, Gamestop, Walmart
Rift is a MMORPG, set in a world filled with two sides, Guardians who believe in a higher power and gain their strengths from their Gods and Goddess’. The Defiants being into all the science jazz giving you the belief of power from the machine. That said the game has a well straight forward storyline that is what a few MMO’s of today explain in their mini novels, lore and various other swag means. Ether side is righteously blunt. It only determines what appeals to you. I selected Defiants and selected a PvP realm to stray from the “Carebear” mode, which in a short bit will explain my feelings on that sorta gameplay…
The plot “is in the world of Telara as either a noble Guardian or technomagical Defiant and enter a dynamic fantasy where 8 primal forces battle for control in an ever-changing landscape. Build your own class using the Ascended Soul system and embark on epic conflicts that bring you into the story, taking your RPG experience to new heights of achievement and excitement!” Enuff said’.
The setting is in a typical landscape much like games in the med evil era. Though in the highest setting, brilliantly breath taking and huge to explore and uncover instances, new locations, and realms of large scale rift openings(invasions), which play a big role in the games fun, and development factor.
While it explains across sub stories every character somewhat plays a part and is explained through Pve. Most leveling can be obtained through PvP as well. The Class system offers a total of 4 roles you may have up to once on one character meaning if you choose to be a Cleric, you have up to 8 combinations to pick up too. Same with Warrior, Rogue and Mage. So many open options that your mind will explode.

Pve: Mostly the same old fetch quests you seen before in mmorpgs of today. Offering instances and something some mmos experimented with but did not perfect quite like how this game boldly bases itself on, and that is Invasions, including Rifts to keep up with the overly active content. The beginning of the game explaining your side ether Defiants or Guardians, it all seems so epic and well presented, the voice acting quite solid in this case with most of the Npc key players. Most of the games theme is Rifts that are for both sides of the pond, open and you and join a open party (raid group) that go and destroy what monsters that appear, quite straight forward and right to the point. Instances all have their certain theme all based off the locations their placed in. All grow with challenge and format. With the right setup it all feels right at home for those who love to explore and hunt for Loot and other little goodies that gets their jollys off in Pve-rpg style game play, also great for leveling.
PvP: Ques, open field location battles. All here and all again like the Pve side, very cut clean and fun. Aside from the typical game play modes from 10-20 and at endgame. You will see alot of team objective Pvp with your open world. Though each Shard(realm) you select give you the option of Pve-rpg, or PVP servers. If your focus is ganking players. The Warfronts (battlegrounds for Wowholics*sigh*) are pretty intense. Modes like Capture the point and capture the Fang(like capture the flag, but you hold a item called a Fang(large as hell). You hold this said fang and bleed out a score up to 500, if you do so you win the Pvp segment. Team objectives are present and it only requires communication, and straight forward tactics to win.
Closing thoughts: While most will slam their knuckles down about how this game is a “Wow Clone”. I would agree to a few small points but also interject that their also wrong, this game does not try to copy the whole lore of how Blizzard has taken loosely what War hammer was. The vicious cycle of how or who taken what of when. Truly it does not matter, and I do not care. This game provides alot of active content and keeps the player busy from level 7-50, if any person can state they have nothing to do, My guess would be they skipped alot of the quests and need to fill in the requirements. with hundreds of Achievements, dozens and dozens of Rifts to close. Story within the quests tie in well and quite a read. The instances are fully voiced and each have great themes. While the Pvp need a few adjustments, it works solid for those who enjoy a challenging chance to DPS some other players in open combat. While most of the Pve in this game feels a bit linear with too many fetch and slay quests, the bulk of the instances, and “Rift” openings are bound to keep you more then busy. Each theme of the rifts offered are all fantastic. a few shallow ends of the rifts. If your server is ether all moved on from the location or its at a odd hour you will be among the few hundreds of very upset monsters wanting your head on a platter as your going to fetch 95 buckets of fish heads for uncle buck. Which another downside though most quests are chained, and give fair requests. Some might ignore these quests once opened to the old “kill 12 cultists.” The game presents alot of ideas and keeps the player always active which beats people sitting around all day and bragging about their: Armor, Chuck Norris Jokes, and Gear Score. The chat system is pretty active and people seem to enjoy their stay in the game. Overall to enjoy a large world, you need a large community to keep it active with.
The 15 Dollar mark for alot is a deadly strike in their pocket, including myself, however for the craftsmen ship behind this game, I can see why it would be set up as so, as the Trion worlds team is always patching and fixing anything that might make the said game well, unplayable. The experience was great and would ask those people to reconsider.
Everything felt right for this game. and the final score is..
+Epic storyline
+Rift system keeps you active, and Not bored
+Music, Graphics, and presentation is top quality
+The Open and divine Class system is so customizable,*drools*
-Grind quests, being fetch + Slay quests being too much bulk