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Love it or hate it, more and more Android manufacturers have been relying solely on internal storage for their devices. It’s been the subject of bitter debate among the Android faithful, one that has Samsung fanboys drawing a line in the sand, while the rest of us shrug and opt for devices like the Nexus 4 or Moto X.

I have to say, I didn’t mind this change very much at first. But as technology presses on, and we’ve seen the introduction of 1080p+ devices, 4K video, bigger and badder video games, storage — even on my 64GB HTC One — is starting to get a little tight. That’s when I came across the recently Kickstarted Meenova micro SD card reader for Android devices. The Android accessory has only just become available to all via Meenova’s website, so I decided to pick one up. Here’s my quick review.

What does it do?

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This little nugget plugs directly into an Android device’s micro USB port and allows users to expand the storage of their device up to 64GBs. Okay, “expand” probably isn’t the best word, as you’re not going to leave this plugged into your device 24/7. But, when it comes to say, all 5 seasons of Breaking Bad, you can simply dump all of them onto your micro SD card, freeing up your limited internal storage for more important things like video games.

How does it work?

The Meenova works on all devices that support USB on-the-go (USB OTG). If you’re unsure, a list of compatible Android devices can be found on Meenova’s website. Using the Meenova is literally a plug-and-play process (at least on the HTC One). There’s no setup, no fumbling through device settings in order to mount external memory — none of that. I simply slid my 64GB micro SD card into the Meenova dongle, plugged it into my HTC One, opened my gallery app and I was up and watching Pacific Rim in glorious HD, BoomSound and all. Yeah, nerdgasm.


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Cloud storage isn’t a blanket solution to limited internal storage. With carrier data caps not going away anytime soon, streaming video, music, etc. might not be a viable option for everyone. With the Meenova micros SD card reader, you can ensure that your extensive media library is always easily accessible from your Android device. The accessory is also the perfect companion for those considering an Android device that may not offer expandable storage (like the Nexus line).

So far in my experience, I have nothing but good things to say about the tiny accessory. I found that it’s small stature was way more convenient to use than the traditional micro SD card reader/USB OTG cable combo and at $12 ($3 worldwide shipping), it wont break the bank. The Meenova micro SD card reader comes in 4 different colors — black, white, silver, and orange — and while the plastic feels a little cheapy, it gets the job done. Purchase links provided below.

[Buy Meenova here | Meenova]

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