Let me start by saying. I hate the blue shells.

Mario Kart 7, I can’t believe its #7 already. I remember the first time I ever played Mario Kart, was on the N64. I still hold that version as the best of the series. Can Mario Kart 7 still give me that feeling that I had as a kid? Short answer: Yes.

Mario Kart 7 is for the 3ds, Nintendo’s newest handheld.

Gameplay: It is all you come to expect from the franchise, with tracks from all the previous games, and new ones to keep you on your toes. The newest additions in this version is the ability to race in mid air with the gliders. It changes the formula up just enough to keep it interesting for long time veterans and newcomers alike. Controls are solid, with the control stick doing a great job of moving the kart around where you want it to go. The buttons and shoulder buttons are all used to great effect. You can still go from 8th to 1st in a lap, but this version is more based to the skilled, as you now have new power ups such as the tanooki tail, to help you keep that lead. The blue shell is still a pain however. Also, there is a introduction of the cockpit view, but I did not play this version much, as it is mostly Gyroscope controlled, and really messes up the 3d.

I was somewhat disappointed with the bonus characters thrown in. Racing as your Mii is cool, but some of the characters are just re-skins. I mean, come on, Metal Mario? What about baby bowser? There were other great characters that should have been thrown in. Online play is also great for the game. My only complaint however is it’s almost impossible to play with friends. It’s almost like the game discourages it. Hopefully they make it easier to play with friends in the future, because this game is begging for it!

Visuals: Visually, the game is on par with the Wii version of Mario Kart, which is great for a handheld. The enviorments are lush, characters are nicely animated, and there is no real pop up to be had. The 3d effect, however, was a let down to me. While it works, I was hoping for a little more out of it. It feels Nintendo was playing it safe with the 3d.

Sound: This was a great sounding game. The voices of all the characters was great. What else can you say? Mario sounded like Mario, Yoshi was Yoshi, and so on. The music for the tracks was well done, and definitely helped the mood. Nothing to complain about for sound.\


Summary: One of the best Mario Karts to come around in a long time. This is a must own for any 3DS owner. Pick it up if you haven’t yet!

Score: 9.0/10

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