Bodycount is not a good game, but I’m not sure it’s trying to be. I think it?s a prototype that somehow ended up on a retail shelf. The game seems like it’s trying to prove that a few key gameplay systems could be used in a complete game down the road. That’s really the only explanation for the game’s existence that makes any sense to me, because it’s missing several elements that we expect to have in a modern shooter. These elements include:

Story: You are an operative of an agency known as “The Network.” You enter into an African warzone to make peace for some reason. The most efficient way to make peace is of course to shoot everyone. You soon stumble upon a mysterious base and find that a rival agency known as “Target” is doing stuff. I’m not sure what, but it may be evil so it’s OK to shoot those guys too. Regardless, the story is as bare bones as any in recent memory. Shooters traditionally have shallow stories, but even by the standards of the genre this is anemic.

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