Finally, after releasing the lackluster Resident Evil Mercenaries 3D, and cooling off on promoting Operation Raccoon City, Capcom decides to show off some more Resident Evil: Revelations. During our demo, I get to play as series veteran Chris Redfield in a fresh section of the upcoming horror-survival-game. Together with his new partner Jessica, Chris investigates a plane crash on a snowy mountain-plateau;after a few steps down a snow-covered path, they find themselves standing inside the badly damaged plane-wreck and discover the dead pilot. Only after scanning the dead body and finding an important item, can Chris continue adventuring.

Here, the new scanner-system comes into play: You select the necessary gear via touchscreen and check the dead body thoroughly Metroid Prime-style. Only then will Chris find the aforementioned item, and he only picks it up after doing a second search after the scan! If you merely check the body without doing a scan first, you won’t find anything except a prompt suggesting that a scan can reveal more information. I’m curious to see whether this new scanning element ends up being an interesting gameplay addition, or a cumbersome gameplay crutch that needlessly draws out the game’s exploration aspect.

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