Free with Guacamelee! Gold Edition–this week only!

Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack, a Sci-Fi space monster B-movie themed platformer that starts out pretty small but then grows on you and consumes your free time, is available for only $7.99 on (or FREE this week, with every $13.49 purchase of Guacamelee! Gold Edition)

Oh, to be a blob! A space mutant blob, to be precise. Such a bliss. You roll around, assimilate stuff, grow larger (and therefore happier), and scare the livin hell out of puny Earthlings. That’s exactly what is about! The previous creation of the developers who brought us Guacamelee!, comes this fun platformer with imaginative mechanics, stylish visuals, and lots of creative puzzles to tackle. All this served with unmistakable Sci-Fi B-movie flavor, that will make you want to become a mutant blob, today!

You can treat yourself to a Sci-Fi B-movie experience getting Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack for only $7.99 on, or–and this is the option we heartly recommend–get it for free this week, with your $13.49 purchase of Guacamelee! Gold Edition. The special offer lasts until Thursday, September 5, at 9:59AM GMT. Don’t miss out!

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