Examining the human condition(ing).

Overclocked: A History of Violence, a contemporary psychological thriller, is available now DRM-free on GOG.com with a 75% launch discount.

Some people believe that violence is more of a defense mechanism than it is an offensive act. It is meant to mask our weaknesses by making others feel equally weak. But it might also be the result of traumatizing experiences that people are unconsciously hiding from themselves.

Could that be the case for the five teenagers found wandering the streets of New York during a violent thunderstorm, armed with guns and a horrible sense of unawareness? Specialized psychiatrist David McNamara means to find out by diving into the patients’ unconscious, trying to piece together the fragments of (playable) memories they reluctantly share with him. It is a gruelling process that will push McNamara into dark places, forcing him to puzzle his way out while coping with his personal demons.

Unravel the clouded psyche of your violent teen patients in Overclocked: A History of Violence, now DRM-free on GOG.com. The 75% launch discount will last until December 21, 1:59 PM GMT.

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