Just how they used to make them.

Eschalon Book I, an old-school RPG with open world, isometric graphics, and classic gameplay mechanics, is available 50% off on GOG.com. That’s only $2.99 for the first week!

If you’re an old-time computer role-playing fan, the chances are that you said the following at least once in your life: “They don’t make cRPGs as they used to, nowadays“. For the better part, you would be correct. Most of the modern role-playing games don’t look nor play like their classic predecessors. It doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not as good, but they are–well–different. For all gamers disappointed by that state of things, here’s a title custom-tailored to their nostalgic needs!

Eschalon Book I was developed by people who are old-time hardcore computer role-players themselves, and you can see it in every aspect of their brilliant game. With classic isometric graphics, traditional gameplay mechanics, a large open-ended world, tons of quests, and randomly generated loot, this game is everything you need to get into that nostalgic mood only a fantasy adventure can induce. Highly recommended to all cRPG gamers!

Prepare for a truly old-school and satisfying cRPG experience with Eschalon Book I, for only $2.99! That’s 50% off the regular price until Tuesday, May 14, at 9:59AM GMT.

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