

Price: 1.99 – 9.99

Release Date: May 16, 2013 (Out now!)

Get it at these trusted retailers:, DotEmu, and

Also on: Itunes(iOS), and Android.


Being one of the kings of arcade Shumps is no easy achievement. Raiden Legacy is a bundle built of Raiden, Raiden Fighters, Raiden Fighters 2, and Raiden Fighters Jets. While a solid line up, a few problems plague this collection locally to the PC/MAC. The issue was the game pad support, while you navigate the menus with your mouse to get into the game it at points conflicted with game play. Humbly you can adjust the button layout with your controller to fix any slight chance that you might press the wrong button bumping you into the start menu, making you have to manually use your mouse to un-pause to get back into the game. The issue felt like a draw back, specially if you are a frantic right into the action kinda person. Beyond that the issue felt minor, however felt slightly painful through the experience.


Now with the only real issue with the game mentioned, the fruit basket now is delivered here, and that is the game play. From the pulse pounding soundtrack, which I noticed was crispier and much more improved. The game while handles the same graphically, keeping its original color pallet. Seeing billions of bullets, lasers flames, and more all bursting out at once on the screen is a thrilling and satisfying feeling. So is owning this collection. My personal favorites being Raiden original and Raiden Fighters 2 out of the mix.



Now If you can ask me a few things about this games strengths, I can tell you it is in its core. However as much to be expected from a lot of old arcade shoot-em-ups the stages are short, greeting you with a large scale detailed boss. Pumping out as much ammo at you as possible. All naturally having a pattern to them. Giving you a advantage if you learn when the bullets leave a opening to just clip threw. The game does offer something which shooter games do love in a classic, and that is difficulty. Offering temperatures, Medium, and extra spicy. I mean Hard.




Ship Selection From FightersJets

The selling point to this bundle is the large selection of ships. Each game consisting from least to many extra ships as the games got much more new in the arcade market. All varying with there own skill ranges of course.


 Ship Selection from Fighters 2

A awesome element to this collection is the Mission mode. Which once you complete fragments of the Arcade, you can go back and play any stage within some inspired concept. I found myself after a play through selecting from first to latest unlocked stage. It set it up for me in a web which was basic enough to understand, for my simple mind to grasp. The controls in the game via keyboard were simple, Shift to release a bomb, and Space bar to fire. Your standard arrow keys allows you to navigate your ship. While trying to use the Game pad with it, it should have felt a bit more tight and better, however I felt more awkward then had that simple down-to-earth comfort zone a controller usually provides. Having to play this with a keyboard was not the end of the world, it could have been a little bit more comfortable. Interesting thing to note the game does feature a custom map menu for your controls, but do not feel as held together.



In Closing:

As solid as the arcade boards they were digitally printed on, Raiden Legacy is a solid line up from DotEmu. With a crisp refreshed soundtrack, cleaned up visuals. This is a bundle worth firing up on your PC.



By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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