
This episode of the podcast focuses on this month’s Together Retro game Urban Strike and the Strike Series as a whole.

David R. Foley

Dave Foley, who recorded this interview for us back in January, was one of the key contributors to Urban Strike.  In the interview he discusses the work on the game, the controversy surrounding changes to the core gameplay in the series, and what it was like to work with several teams to complete the game .

Mike Posehn

Mike Posehn was the chief architect of the games in the Strike series, his first foray into game design.  He discusses the differences between games, the climate at EA in the early 90s, his decision to leave the industry, and his current work.

**Reminder: Come see the show live on September 19th at TooManyGames**

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Show Outline

  • (The Racketboy.com Podcast Theme – Christopher Bellamy)
  • Dave’s Intro
  • Interview with Dave Foley
  • (Theme – Desert Strike)
  • Interview with Mike Posehn
  • Dave’s Outro
  • (Theme – Urban Strike)

Do you have something to add?  Thoughts on the best game in the Strike series? Do you have questions about this episode?  Do you want to heap scorn or praise? Please let us know below or in the forums!

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