Tomorrow at 6:00PM GMT (11:00AM PDT / 2:00PM EST) on!

Age of Wonders III is the successful continuation to the fan-favorite, award-winning strategy series, set in a robust and beautiful world that becomes the scene for diverse, complex, and engaging gameplay. Quill18 is one of our favorite YouTubers and Twitchcasters, known for his strategic skills, gaming competence and entertaining commentaries. We decided to match the two on our official channel, and let Quill18 show you around the recent Age of Wonders 3: Golden Realms expansion.

Tomorrow at 6:00PM GMT (11:00AM PDT / 2:00PM EST), tune in to our official channel and join Quill18 as he sets of into the fantastic realms ow AoW3 to meet the halflings who have just settled there. Subscribe and stay with us, to find out what shows we have in store for the coming weeks and what other fantastic hosts did we invite to our channel.

Not exactly Twitch-savvy? No problem! You’ll be able to see the whole thing right here:

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