Announced Friday, the PS Vita launch bundle will reward those Sony hardcore who are willing to get the new handheld within the first few days of release. Within twenty-five days until the American release of the PS Vita, people might want to change their pre-orders to this bundle from the regular unit. The bundle features the following: either the 3G or Wi-Fi version of the PS Vita, a limited edition case, a 4GB PS Vita Memory Card and the game Little Deviants. You’ll also get a month of connection to AT&T’s DataConnect Pass for “one free 250MB session” plus a Playstation Network game.

For those willing to get your bundle (for the 3G version only) after waiting in the line in the middle of winter for those in the Northern Hemisphere, you’ll get a 8GB memory card, the 250 MB DataConnect Pass plus a Playstation Network game. This bundle promotion is an attempt to get the PS Vita selling faster than it did in Japan. No price difference was announced for either of these bundles compared to the original unit.

Source – Playstation Blog

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