Honestly, I don’t enjoy it when 1UP podcasts change to new names but it’s happened many times. Remember 1UP Yours? That eventually became Listen UP, which then turned into 4 Guys 1UP, and then In This Thread after that. Sheesh, what’s in a name? Well, a lot really. And I much as I’ve enjoyed the role as host, Games, Dammit! wasn’t a name I felt reflected what the show is about today. Of course, we always end up talking about games, but we need a name that leaves a little more room for flexibility.

We want to talk about games but I think culture, books, movies, interviews, developers, and real stories from people in the industry. This past year we did shows about Metal Gear 25th Anniversary, storytelling in video games, and even discussed the one of the biggest cultural phenomena in Japan, Neon Genesis Evangelion.

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