If there’s one Capcom series that needs a shot in the arm (and doesn’t have the words “Mega Man” in the title), it’s Resident Evil. Despite overcrowding the survival horror genre with a barrage of titles for almost every platform back in the day, Resident Evil 4 signaled a serious revival of ideas and genuine scares. Yet, somehow, those same ideas appear misplaced in Resident Evil 5, the next big sequel which chose to focus primarily on cooperative play and daytime survival horror.

Either by carefully choreographing two separate adventures into a cohesive whole à la Resident Evil 2, or changing the rules of over-the-shoulder style terrors entirely with RE4, Capcom always finds a way to keep you on edge in a Resident Evil installment. In fact, some of the scariest scenarios of the series happen when you’re alone, and to that effect the latest demo for Resident Evil Revelations — available on the 3DS eShop in Japan only — starts out on just the right note.

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