Developer: ZEN Studios
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
Platform: Xbox LIVE Arcade
Rating: E for Everyone
Price Point: 240MS

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A follow up to our previous review of giving Pinball FX2 a considered high score, will this extra content add up to the perfect pinball arcade experience that Zen Studios , dished out Via Xbox Arcade. This titles theme as titled “Mars” provided a interesting texture with sharp visuals and to us pretty awesome game play for the theme. The concept for the Table is your on a mission to explore the ancient landscape of Mars. With that considered exploring it all, is a whole new story. your name is Shepperd … I mean a random astronaut! Well the story is your just exploring random landmarks on the red planet, and score alot of points. Enuff said’.


Closing thoughts:

Another table with another source of a classic feel, while exploring the objectives I found at first the objectives were a bit tricky to complete but that is as should be suspected from most formal pinball games on the market or in most bar rooms and of today’s standard. Granted the objectives are straight forward but after getting through all of them. It was just a point grinding fest, which that is the point of a pinball game but at the same time was hoping for more reasons to explore during my sit down. A Great table,the decor was great with the interactions with a micro robot saving your balls, to the ship coming in for a refuel.We have take on this time around. And we discovered another great planet to explore. Be sure to check out our website as well as for more tables in production and already out for purchase ones. As always their free to try out to a score cap limit.  Take care everyone.

– DanVanDam



+Another great Table to the collection

– Was hoping for more missions


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By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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