Penny ArcadeAs he just recently said himself, Penny Arcade’s Jerry Holkins often refers to the Penny Arcade Expo as a “nation,” and it looks like they’re slowly reaching toward attendance numbers to justify it. With PAX Prime having come and gone in Seattle over the weekend, Big Download reports the attendance reached 67,600, making this the biggest PAX yet.

It’s a big increase over the attendance of PAX East (held in Boston) earlier this year, which was tallied at 52,290. However, there are already plans to move PAX East into a larger venue, so attendance for the east coast expo could soon balloon as well.

And what’s more, it looks like there could possibly be a third event added down the line — and it may be international. Gamasutra reports that while speaking to the Penny Arcade team — Hokins and artist Mike Krahulik — they hinted that a third event may be held in another country.

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