You’ll find all four 1UP editors at many places during this year’s PAX — in fact, we’ve assembled a handy list! But due to our crazy schedules, you’ll rarely find us all at a single location. To help celebrate our elusiveness, we’ve decided to put together a little contest for PAX Prime attendees who have the skills and sheer willpower to hunt us down — digitally, mind you. Here’s how you can win your very own code for New Super Mario Bros. 2:

  • Streetpass with all four members of the 1UP edit team. That includes Jeremy Parish, Jose Otero, Marty Sliva, and Bob Mackey. Note that their Miis will be wearing uniquely silly hats, so if you’ve somehow captured us in the past, you’ll have to do it all over again. And if you’re not sure it’s really us, don’t worry; our Miis will be sure to include something 1UP-related in their message.
  • Take pictures of your amazing feat, throw them into a user blog post, and contact one of the four editors (your choice!) via 1UP’s private message system. If you’re one of the first three to catch us all, you’ll be the proud owner of a digital copy of New Super Mario Bros. 2! Note: Any attempted kidnappings, 3DS thefts, or Mii forgeries will be frowned upon.

That’s all there is to it. Happy hunting, 1UP readers!

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