
The Penny Arcade Expo is set to
launch this weekend, and the city of
Seattle preparing itself for an onslaught of all things gaming. Of
course, 1UP is going to be there in full force to cover this
celebration of gaming culture, and we wanted to give you a rundown of
all the events we’re going to be a part of, including a GameWorks
meet-up with IGN/GameSpy, a Retronauts panel, and a classic game room
takeover. We’re looking forward to meeting hanging out with you at
these events, but even if you can’t make it to any of them, don’t
hesitate to stop us on the show floor and say hi. 

August 31 – 1UP/IGN/GameSpy Shindig @ GameWorks

On Friday night from 6pm-10pm,
1UP, IGN, and GameSpy editors are going to be hanging out at the
GameWorks just across the street from the convention center (1151
), and we’d love to get a
chance to meet each and every one of you!
Yes, especially you! Just in case you don’t know what we look like —
Jeremy dresses well, Jose is tall, Bob has a lot of hair, and Marty
will the one drinking heavily. Stop by, grab a beer, and talk to us
about how awesome Breaking Bad

September 1 – Retronauts Classic Game Room Takeover

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