
All good things must come to an end— but sometimes, it’s for the better. The Paranoid Android team has announced that they’ll be making some changes in the way that they design/distribute their ROM for Android 4.4 KitKat.

First up is an availability change, with stability in mind. In order to create a highly stable ROM, Paranoid Android (or any developer for that matter) should focus on fewer devices. By now, we all know that all devices are not created equal, and because of that, we’re going to see Paranoid Android’s ROM on higher-end devices that they choose to develop around. This is not to say that their ROM won’t work on your device, but it just won’t be specifically designed for it, and may be less stable than it is intended to be. (Nexus 5 is quite clearly the focus here.)

Next is design. The plan is for a more “Googley” design, while still keeping features such as Halo and PIE. They know it’s what the consumers want, so that’s what they’ll be providing.

Third, the Paranoid Android team wants their ROM to be more accessible. They’re tired of all the “beware of installing this ROM” warnings that we constantly give you after we report on a new ROM version, so they want to make it as easy and safe as possible for even the most novice of users so that we don’t even have to give you guys a warning. Scaring away potential users with a long, confusing, and “possibly hazardous-to-your-device” procedure isn’t the best business model, and props to them for recognizing that and planning to do something about it. I’d expect to see some sort of automatic installer from the PA team in the near future.

Now we wait for the official announcement and details of Android 4.4 KitKat from Google!

Source: +Paranoid Android

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