Developer: Miniboss

Publisher: Miniboss

Price: $4.99 (5 double cheese burgers)

Check out the game here


Gravity Puzzle games are a prime example of how far we can consider modern game to go. Our creativity as a species is beyond just a simple golf clap in this case. Out There Somewhere is a side-scrolling, I wanna be the guy meets portal puzzle game. Timing, and quick fingers need to be on your side as you trek between locations. The introduction of the game provides a quick left to right shooter scenario story plot introduction of an astronaut, forced to land in a strange alien planet. All set up in a retro-con like art style throwing back to many Nintendo Entertainment system games and PC games of yester-year. Within a simple package. The game gives off a great sense of simple fun. That Builds up higher and higher to challenge.

You are given a portal gun, which only fires in one direction. However once fired and hits a wall or a surface that allows you to impact it. Grants said player to teleport to that location. Timing and angling the shots are within the games core gameplay. Bringing some new elements to plat-formers. Glass(can allow you to pass your portals round through), and certain barriers as noted above are some of the few surfaces you can bounce your projectile on.Along the way you pick up the means of defending yourself. So it becomes a truly entertaining experience with great popping music. Clever enemy design.


Closing Thoughts:


A Game with simple home cooking basics is always welcomed with many fans of video games. As gaming always evolves and ignores what is important to make a game so successful. I notice allot of indie companies find those key elements that draw from the formula and touch face with what keeps games fun. I completed Out There somewhere with a large smile on my face as the minor humor elements and the very nicely drawn sprite work made me feel like I was 5 again, with big daddys shoes on.

By what I mean is simple cute artwork, with well thought out quick thinking on your toes moments. In the future for th company I do hope they can work with ether Microsoft or Nintendo (for there 3DS outlet). As I do enjoy using Desura and respect it for highlighting key awesome developers such as Minibos. Among it all granting a gun(Life Saver!), among a few hints towards new things along the way made the pace for me quite easy to follow and kept me interested.

I just hope more for these folks in the market today. Controls are simple, X+C and arrow keys are only really required to run around and explore. As you do see a few and dozen of I wanna be the guy clones or influenced games out there. I will note this game feels much like its own style of game. As it requires a bit more finance and skill. In closing this game is a great affordable game to pick up and learn to play. It brings you back to the good old days of what many people considered fun!




By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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