Genre: Action, Third Person, Tower Defense, Strategy, Indie
Developer: Robot Entertainment
Publisher: Robot Entertainment, Microsoft studios
Release Date: Out now! Steam Oct 12th
Platforms: Xbox360, Steam

Price: 14.99


The huge craze in today’s market, among all of them, Tower Defense receives a refreshment in every publishing. Orcs Must Die is a Third Person action strategy game that gives you many ways to take down the hordes of orcs, and other nastys that is themed in the Mid-evil evil kind of way. A Grand Wizard who defended rifts, slips on some Kobolt blood, cracked his head open, dies, his apprentice (War Mage, a member of the Order) stands in. The Plot aside you are given the options, and I do mean the many options of weaponry, and traps. The weapons span across from a sword staff, to a Bow(which I used the most). Spells galore, such as Wind spells, etc. Levels get more challenging as the game goes on, the paths are different and the waves gain more stronger enemies from land to sky. Now you are perhaps asking how good this game is, well from countless hours of game play and ripping my hair out in Nightmare mode I can not stress enough, the game play is plentiful and quite enjoyable.

The team over at R.E. have really nailed the simple nature of game play and provided the style that could please even the hardest of the core player in everyone. Entry into the game you are given 2 core weapons that have unlimited supply, and 1 base secondary attack. The Sword Staff which gives you a forward wave attack and does a big deal of damage. The Crossbow which is my personal favorite choice is a ranged weapon(duh) that does not do as strong as damage as the sword, but gives you that benefit of distance and a secondary attack that stun locks most enemies allowing such as units(archers) to land in the rain of arrows. While this all may feel and seem simple at first, oh boy you are in a world of hurt. As I mentioned before it gets much more difficult and the levels change. The lineup of monsters mix up causing you to swap Traps that you plant through out each location, finding out the right Trap for each location I will leave for you to discover but let me tell you, always using the same few traps over and over will not win you the fight every time.

The sense of humor in the game is not afraid to stick its ugly head in this game, as I mention ugly that is perhaps a misguided term as I was uncontrollably laughing at all the one liners that the Orcs and our main hero War Mage are pretty great and major kudos to the company. The musical score is a mix of med-evil and heavy metal. I found myself actually getting a kick out of the first score played as I toke down some minor nasties. The major key point that disappointed me as I know a game sometimes never needs this element, but the ability to do online co-op. The gameplay style and the format would be very interesting fending off hordes of orcs having a friend by your side. If you complete every stage you are granted skulls, those skulls are used for upgrades to your various already unlocked


Closing thoughts:


A Lengthy Story mode, Fantastic Game play. Aside from the Lack of multiplayer for the projects release we will boldly say while that element is missing you will still have a great deal of fun and beg for more. As the price tag we feel is more then reasonable for the title, we are glad they kept it as this rate. Many will perhaps criticize the game is repetitive and well that is what you get with the style game that it is, not a bad kind of repetitive nature as it blends in arcade elements to the chaos. We can not recommend this game enough to those who enjoy a good challenge in games, as well as just flat out having some fun.

We do hope to see the War Mage in a Golden Speedo as a gag Costume. You heard it here first, Golden, Speedo (Glares).

 Final Score: 9.8

+ Gameplay

+ Lasting appeal

+ allot of replay ability

– Lack of Multi player


– DanVanDam

By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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