
During a keynote address at the DICE Summit yesterday, Bethesda’s Todd Howard described an activity the developers of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim participated in after finishing up work on the game last year. Game Jam, as they called it, saw everyone on the development team work on anything they wanted for a week, with the only restriction being that it had to be made for Skyrim. After laying out the premise, a sizzle reel was shared with a selection of some of the concepts that were come up with. Contained within the video were a variety of crazy and/or awesome ideas: kill cams for magic and ranged combat, epic mounts, dark dungeons (that players have to manually light), an enormous mudcrab boss, the ability to become a flying vampire lord or werebear, Kinect-enabled shouts, and more.

Howard prefaced the video with a caveat, which is that none of this is guaranteed to ever make it into the hands of gamers. “How much of this stuff sees the light of day? To be determined,” Howard said before rolling the footage. “Could it be in a future DLC? We don’t know. Could various parts of it just be released for free? We don’t know.”

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