Borderlands 2

The PC version of the original Borderlands was not exactly an ideal demonstration of how to bring a console game to computers. For the sequel, at least one of the most significant issues should be addressed as a result of Gearbox opting to make use of Steamworks in digital and retail copies of Borderlands 2.

Setting aside online multiplayer for a moment, Borderlands on PC was plagued with numerous issues. Disabling voice chat, enabling the use of the scroll wheel in text boxes, turning on vertical sync — all three of these seemingly basic options and more were not located in the options, as they should be in any PC game (let alone one from a major developer and publisher). Instead players were forced to consult online guides providing instructions on how to edit the game’s configuration files. This largely consists of backing up text files and copy/pasting in new text — not exactly rocket science — but it’s still a process gamers should never have to go through.

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