Official website:
Disclaimer: cards in question were provided to us for free in purposes of covering this product for review.

We have had our hands on several card games over the years, many borrow ideas, or create innovative design. Nostalgix borrows the steps in form of evolution. At least in their Fighter units. At all of this will be broken down as footnote as possible to prevent to much run off to the main focus of this articles narrative. You see a huge playing field. The set up is quite big, and has a lot going on. Example below (the succubus lady is a bonus).

The packaging felt premium. Having torn open many packs myself, I obtained myself a pretty nice collection! organizing what evolved into what and whom. The thrill of hoping to find and matching Fighters began to fill my mind, with pairings of Arenas, or Spells. Then tossing in a Hero with the perks I want personally. This felt all open ended and awesome. Still getting the hang of the game, I sat here swapping the Huntsman’s Hero in for Doctor Corvus. Hero cards have passives for their upkeep of which have a rule or a optional spell to cast. Each of the heroes include 40 hit points. Which is your life. Then represents the player. Or if you take out ten of fighters the other has, then you obtain tokens which is used for victory. If you would like better experimentation from this, read the rules here:
With the package sent to us, we were given a base set to allow us to rip open some packs, and see if we can create any decks, or to just sample the cards in question. Below is a full card mention if you want to try to recreate it and nitpick it. As any card collector game which involves building a strategy I just looked at a few cards and seen what I had from the packs opened then go off of what I had of the “crop” of the land grown here. Sorting through for a while I seen I had a bit of the types of cards I enjoy using, utility + control decks. However I leaned towards a angelic healer sort of deck. Within a dash of cute crystalline characters, I put it together, with less worry from this base set of finding dupes I needed to construct the set of cards I wanted to play with. I play tested it a bit and discovered it worked well as a starter entry deck with some strong elements late game. Veterans of the game will perhaps mention some sort of “Exodia” like deck they have that will maul this one down, and personally that is cool. Smack talk is a usual thing that I dismiss.
So within the 50+1 card limit, I have created a deck set:
“Angelic Haven”
From monsters to other cards are as followed:
Detective Mako
Rollet X3
Fairn X2
Falhalla X2
F.R.I.E.N.D. X3
Mimicus X3
Serra X3
Ephina X3
Regemerate X2
Yellow Card X3
Pressure Plate X3
Magicians Bag X3
Scrap Metal X 3
Regemeration X3
Tower Fall X2
Sinking Feeling X2
Witchier’s Hat Drop X2
Divine Blessing X3
Shell Storm

In Closing: From field testing the cards, I felt what was a absolutely outstanding card game, with more potential of evolution, based on their fighter evolve system, which connects to needing cards within the same family tree. Which to can be a proxy if you are missing(or own) a expensive card you can make a dupe card yourself so you may partake within tournament rules settings. Things within the game seem more aimed for children or middle aged collectors who like Neopets, Pokemon, or Yugioh. The foundation is set for what could be a much collected and craze within the years to come. As someone as myself who enjoys this sort of collectable card game, will vouch that this game is absolutely solid.
With that a few things I hope to see in the new expansions to come with starter sets is a poster like play mat(that we could laminate) so organizing our play area is easy. Aside from their high quality play mats on their store. Or maybe a kit with life counters, or extra bits and pieces they could offer along with deck sets. Otherwise the 4 10 sided die were pretty nice to use with the Huntsman set given to me. I found my self subbing out a few cards for my own personal tastes in cards. Like Berzerker Rage, I swapped out for a few evolution units. The hero I traded out for Doctor Corvus, and life was good. IF you want a new collectable card game to aim for, keep your eyes peeled on Nostalgix!
If you would like to learn more about the game or look up their awesome merchandise, check it out here.

Coming soon June the 2nd will be the game’s first expansion “Harmonic Surge”. Which features what seems like some new strategic elements within the card structure. If we do get our hands on that expect us to follow up with that! Pre-order it here with a 15% (their own in house discount) pricing!