Retro City Rampage 66% off, Dyad 66% off, Waking Mars 75% off, Tiny & Big 75% off!

Welcome to the 9th day of our 2013 #NoDRM Summer Sale! No bundle deals today. Instead, we invite you to pick and mix from a selection of exciting indie titles. Whether you like puzzles, exploration, action, or mayhem, you’ll find something exceptional and noteworthy on our today’s special. We don’t want to keep you away too long from all the pick-and-mixing joy, so let’s just take a quick look at the featured games.

Only $4.99 for FEZ, a phenomenal perspective-shifting puzzle-platformer. As Gomez, a seemingly-2D inhabitant of a seemingly-2D realm, you’ll discover a huge puzzle-packed universe full of amazing ideas and cryptic messages. Chances are you won’t even see the half of what this game has to offer on your first playthrough, so get exploring right now, 50% off!

Only $4.99 for Retro City Rampage, the 8-bit thug life action game. Brian Provinciano’s ultimate tribute to the 80’s pop culture and nostalgic games is something words can hardly describe. Coincidentally, this amazing title was updated today, with a new “Retro+” graphics mode, and–how exciting!–modding support! Today’s your chance to grab Brian’s opus magnum 66% off!

Only $3.33 for Hotline Miami, the ultraviolent top-down slasher inspired by 1980s. The indie blockbuster of 2012, was made by the famous mad indie dev Jonatan “Cactus” Söderström, featuring unique art style envisioned by his teammate Dennis Wedin, and a selection of haunting music that completes the whole mesmerising experience. If you somehow missed this gem, get it now, 66% off!

Only $4.99 for Dyad, a meditative abstract tunnel shooter. Brace yourselves for some trippy visuals and sounds that are reported to put some people in an alternate state of consciousness, all that while blasting your way through waves and waves of abstract foes coming right at you on each of the game’s 27 original levels. Sensory overload is 66% off, today!

Only $2.49 for Waking Mars, a Sci-Fi exploration-focused platformer. The mysteries of the Red Planet await, the biggest of them being that there is life in abundance just under the surface. You’ll have to learn to interact with the alien ecosystem while you explore a vast system of caves and grottos, this is your only way of survival! Otherworldly adventure 75% off!

Only $2.49 for Tiny & Big, an odd cartoonish action-puzzler. What do you get, when you mix together a grappling hook, rockets, high-powered laser cutter, physics-based puzzles, comic book visuals, old underwear, a talking radio, one nasty bully, strange alien landscape, and tons of bizarre, unruly humor? The answer is complicated, but it’s 75% off, today.

All of the above offers last for the next 24 hours, that is until Thursday, June 27, at 12:59PM GMT. Enjoy our #NoDRM Summer Sale, and be sure to check our site for the new exciting deal tomorrow!

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