Visit lands you probably didn’t heard of, or build and manage a prosperous empire!

It’s day number six of our extravagant 2013 #NoDRM Summer Sale, and we’ve prepared for you another pair of bundle deals that will appeal to retro-gamers and indie fans alike. Today’s themes: great indie RPGs you could have missed that we think really deserve your attention and classic strategies of the ever-popular city builder sub-genre. Take a look at all the fun and challenge that can make your Sunday evening full of #NoDRM gaming joy!

In the RPG Rarities Bundle, we offer you a selection of five recent notable indie role-playing titles for only $14.95. Each and single one of them is unique and special in its very own way. Evoland is as much of a console-style action-RPG, as it is a nostalgic retrospective of this genre presenting its evolution from the early 8-bit era to modern times. Anodyne also draws inspiration from Zelda-like titles, but uses these time-proven gameplay ideas to tell a allegoric story of an inner trip into one’s own subconsciousness. Sword of The Stars: The Pit is a fun and addictive modern roguelike game delivering a great level of challenge and replayability in a colorful, yet ominous, hard-SciFi setting.The Real Texas provides unexpectedly deep and refined gameplay mechanics paired with a zany, yet at times thought-provoking story and colorful and silly art-style. Finally, there’s Costume Quest taking us on a Halloween-themed trip into the land of kids’ imagination executed with Double Fine’s signature charm and creative gameplay mechanics. All of these games truly deserve to become a part of your collection, but we know they get often overlooked in the company of larger and more celebrated RPG titles that are aplenty on You can see what you’ve probably been missing out on for 75% less than usually.

There are few genres available in our catalog that can be compared in their popularity to the RPGs. Managerial strategy, especially of the city-building and managing kind, is one of them. Today, with 70% discount, you can grab the Builder’s Boon Bundle, a whole pack of such games. The phenomenal Hellenic Acropolis (Zeus+Poseidon) and its Egyptian counterpart Pharaoh + Cleopatra will allow you to raise the legendary empires to their full ancient glory. Children of The Nile will allow you to stay even longer in the amazing setting of ancient Egypt and rule the people from generation to generation, thus forming a dynasty destined for immortal memory. Caesar 3 will let you witness, protect, and build even further the glory of Rome. In Lords of Magic you’ll get to run your very own fantastic kingdom, taking car of its military, resources, and even diplomacy. Finally, Lords of the Realm: Royal Edition (1+2) and Lords of the Realm 3 will take you back to the medieval times, where your rule can turn the tide of historical events. All that multi-layered and deep strategic goodness can be yours for only $16.13!

That’s it from us today. Have fun, enjoy our #NoDRM Summer Sale, and remember to drop by tomorrow for a new set of special deals!

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