Giana Sisters + Pid + Capsized + Snapshot for $11.21; Myst games collection for $9.45!

Welcome to our 2013 #NoDRM Summer Sale, day 12! Today we offer you a visit in one of the most imaginative and awe inspiring gameworlds ever created. You’ll be discovering ancient secrets and exploring fantastic locations, uncovering the fate of an entire mythical civilization, one game at a time. Or, for a change of pace, you can indulge in some run-and-jump action in one of the recent platformers from our second bundle. Those games prove that one of the oldest genres is not only alive and well but, thanks to the enthusiasm and dedication of many indie devs, it also still can offer many fresh and exciting ideas. Let’s take a look at the bundles, shall we?

In our Platformers Reborn Pack, for only $11.21, you get Snapshot, a 2D platformer with adorable pixel-art graphics and an original instant space-bending gameplay twist, Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams, a delightfully fresh and fulfilling blast from the glorious 2D platformer past, Capsized, an exploration-focused otherworldly adventure, with physics-based puzzles, jetpacking, and–of course–some shooting, and finally Pid, a gorgeous, original platforming experience telling a story of a little boy stranded on a mysterious planet. All that with 75% bundle discount!

For an amazing adventure experience visit our Library of Myst. The admission is only $9.45, and once enter its ancient halls you’ll make your first step towards uncovering some of the gaming’s most profound and incredible secrets. Exploring this realm, you’ll visit the worlds of Myst: Masterpiece Edition or/and Real Myst, Riven, Uru: Complete Chronicles, and Myst 5: End of Ages to face some of the most devious puzzles you’ve ever been challenged with. With the 75% off discount, this bundle could be called a no-brainer, except that one you’ll get it you’ll need all the brainpower you can muster to beat it!

All of the above offers last for the next 24 hours, that is until Sunday, June 30, at 12:59PM GMT. Enjoy our #NoDRM Summer Sale, and drop by tomorrow for more massive discounts and gaming excitement!

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