Cyberpunk 2077 came out in December 10, 2020. With a half and half set of favorable feedback. I have heard two sides where people still loved it beyond its buggy charms, and people just disliked it. Let us fast forward to now. September 13th, 2022. The anime smash hit show Cyberpunk 2077: Edgerunners drops, and with much success, so does the revival of Cyberpunk 2077. A enigma, but also a shining blessing for CD Project Red. With my self honestly enjoying the game even when it launched. Loving it even though, yes, it was buggy on PC. I more so looked at the whole big picture of a the game, it was still pretty fun, past the complaints others tossed at it, and anyone whom played and enjoyed it. We look at now, and the game honestly has some bugs still, like the starter pistol not present on the first mission with Jackie, which for some odd reason made me laugh, and i reloaded the mission on Xbox One, which taken a little while to boot. I am running the game on the original Xbox One, which looked pretty solid, sporting good frame-rates, even if it is capped at 45 or so. However you would then ask how is it on PC? Well, MUCH better. Trying out both the PC side, and Console side to compare, it is a very awesome thing. With the console side you can play with keyboard and mouse, with the only thing limited is the graphical elements. With just some options to turn off motion blur, film grain, and the usual lot of settings to turn or off. I usually play single player fps games with a gamepad. So I ran through the console side greasing my thumbs to figure out some of the edge-runner tie ins, which both collide with one another. I will not spoil which Easter egg that is here, but you perhaps already seen quick to upload content creators give you the usual “like, favorite, and subscribe” before giving you 2 seconds of information.

With tons of modders out there tossing their hat in the ring for some glorious pieces into the array we seen a new breathe of life for the game we seen kicked around for so long. It bounced around until people began to see “wait the game is pretty good”, or they wanted to be in night city like their anime favorites. Including a fan favorite OST titled “I really want to stay at your house”, for the Edgerunners main theme. Cleverly picked. Originally I picked the Streetkid’s route, starting off in Night City. This time around I went with the Nomads side. Which starts you off(briefly) into the desert outskirts for a brief spell with some of the off road mayhem out of the gates, which is fine, you check point into NC or Night City, and try to become a legend. Now if you are a veteran of the game, and just retrying it off of a fresh reattempt, this game is still buggy to a point, on console. However with that, a lot of the bugs I remembered are not really there, or can be fixed by refreshing. The game plays well once you load in, which to the fairness to the game, its a huge load in, unless you are playing on Xbox One X. Some elements were scaled down, which aside from some fuzz in the hair department everything looks pretty great. I ran around doing the usual intro missions, just taking in any thing, and or all things I remembered were a problem, or shown some funky glitches. This applies to both console, then PC. Which PC shown a lot of drastic improvement. No lag, as many bugs, I could toggle settings a little higher and the game still looked, and played wonderfully. That I was playing a new game. Which still felt familiar. The story itself intact was some of the more enjoyable ones I have went through. I am a big fan of Johnny Mnemonic, as this is said almost for segment to segment with Johnny Silverhand’s part in the game you seen huge inspiration from that movie with this. The AI chip, the so-long-to-live scenario. Alias I am saying to much, however for those whom played the game before remember all of the chunks of the story.

Driving throughout the city was one of my favorite pass times. Listening to conversations sometimes between residents, or the off and on gang violence you could provoke or stop all together. Helping the NCPD was all up to you, whether you choose to help or not. I did just doe the extra guns or loot possible from gang leaders. Which originally the game lacked a lot of “wow” weapons at the time. Otherwise when you got a themed weapon, it was pretty cool aside from the lineup seldomly giving you uber weapons.

In the grand scale of it all, Night City, and CD Project Red, while having a rough start with the games initial launch proved why they are still a impressive company who, through the fire and flames, can come through fine. Is it safe to dive into the world of Cyberpunk now? Absolutely, get your mercenary on, and go a hunting, Chum.