Android KitKat

Latest rumor running around the mill today is that Google is preparing to debut the Nexus 5  — along with the next version of Android 4.4 KitKat — during an October 15th event. This alleged date is coming from a developer who, after attending the Google Launchpad campfire event for devs and startups, was tipped off about the Tuesday reveal. During the 2-week event, attendees were served slices of Key Lime Pie along with Kit Kat bars (not a good mix), but festive none the less.

While this might give us an idea of when Google plans to announce their latest Android firmware and device, keep in mind that an actual release date wasn’t given. We’re not sure how solid this rumor is, given Tuesday is just barely around the corner and press invites have yet to be sent out. It’s possible Google could simply stream the entire event online, although it seems odd press wouldn’t be invited to check out their latest flagship hands-on.

[CNET UK | TechManiacs]

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