
Android surprised us all this morning as it announced that the next version of Android will be called “KitKat 4.4,” and not Key Lime Pie 5.0, as was widely rumored (and expected) for months.

Nestle and Hershey will certainly be doing their part in supporting the newest version of Android’s OS, as they have already announced a new Android-branded wrapper which will be shipped with 50 million Kit-Kat bars worldwide, and will feature a promotional giveaway from Google for free Nexus 7s and Play Store credit.

Now, Nestle has released a video which jokingly advertises Kit-Kat bars as a revolutionary new piece of food technology with a fully “immersive and multi-sensory experience.”

We still don’t have any information on what specific features the new version of Android’s OS will include, but it will certainly be interesting to see what changes they bring. Nonetheless, check out the video after the break— enjoy!

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Source: PhoneArena

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