If your curious with the games themselves, be sure to click the photos to learn more, and purchase the games.

First off of the list, Crystal Caves HD. A remade in Unity engine by the chaps over at Emberheart Games. Released to the platform with pretty favorable reviews, the game keeps in tact what made the original release so darn fun! With enhanced graphics as well as a few extra secrets, and a new episode.

A surprise hit from Happy Ray Games! Ikenfell mixes elements from games of old. Capturing the story telling elements of games like Undertale, plus Legend of Dragoon ,and a retold like story of Harry Potter. You play in a sort of tactical like RPG system with movement like from the Earthbound Series. This one is bound to spark fire in your heart.

One part walking sim, two parts creative and challenging puzzles. The Sojourn is a visual delight. Shifting Tides captures lovely scenery and clever puzzles to bring in visual story telling to a audience now on GOG.

While having some work still to be done, Baldur’s Gate 3 is lovingly being crafted by Larian Studios, the developers of the amazing Divinity Original Sin 1 & 2. Within the same combat style with more forefront Dungeon&Dragons rule sets in place from the 5th Edition. You can currently only play as a custom character. Where choices, stay true to the D&D play style. As well as the dice, let us not forget that.

Concluding my weekly recommendations on behalf of GOG.com. Fell Seal: Arbiter’s Mark by 6 Eyes Studio has taken me by surprise playing it originally. For me Tactical RPGs are not my favurite of the main RPG genre. I am more learned into JRPGs, Action RPGs, and Adventure RPGs in first person, like the Eye of the beholder series. You play the role of Arbiter Krylie and many others in this robust and very simple to play, and deep to master tactical rpg game. Every move set if your new to the genre is sorta like chess, but each piece is flavored differently with spells, and tricks of their sleeves.