

Boy, we sure can’t wait for that rapidly approaching August 1st holiday, but in the meantime, the minor wait for the Motorola X’s unveiling won’t stop us from getting important deets on the intriguing new smartphone. According to sources with The Verge, the CDMA version of the smartphone features a 4.5-inch screen, a dual-core Snapdragon processor, Android 4.2.2 (for now), the super-cool “always-on” listening mode and a wrist-flicking gesture which opens the camera app for good measure. While the confirmed specs are based off the CDMA version, it’s probably a safe bet the GSM version will likely have the same specs as well. I mean sure, we still don’t know other important details such as what specific battery will be used, but hey— at least the phone will probably be easy on our wallets and pocketbooks, right?

source: The Verge

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