15 November 2010 - Progress On The In-Game Editor
I think we all agree, one of Miner Wars' sweetest features with the most potential
is the in-game editor. Below is a list of what it can do, (in case you're unaware of
everything it can do), and then we get to flip the veil on what it WILL do. PRETTY
SOON, in fact, 'cause it's a list of what we're working on right at this very
moment. Well... maybe not at this moment. Who knows, maybe the programmers are
taking a coffee break or something. Ah, hell, you get the point. The game is taking
shape, and we wanna share our excitement today.
Editor: Current and future features lists
Store: 70% discount
Public meetings with members of the team on saturdays
Catchphrase feedback/ideas
Vote for Miner Wars 2081 on indiedb!
What is this editor all about? Exactly what does it edit?
Well, it edits Sectors, to put it simply, and by the time it's finished you'll be
able to make your own bleepin' expansion if you want.
Miner Wars Editor Key Features
Create and save randomly generated sectors in two clicks.
Randomly generated sectors also vary in overall colors
of sector (fog, etc.)
Create asteroids with selected material
Carve asteroids into desired shapes
Create large and small ships, debris
Small ships in placement act as enemy bots
Move and place the objects around in your sectors
Rotating non-voxel objects added recently
Save and play your sector
Share your sectors instantly with other players just by
saving them, and access other players' sectors from the
"Sandbox" play-mode
Already some pretty impressive functionality. Let's take
a peek at their progress.
Following is the list of features we're working on now
(barring the aforementioned coffee break):
Move and change player starting position
Duplicate objects
Choose behavior of small ships (enemy, friend, guns and
Multiple-material asteroids
Merging asteroids between themselves (this is a method
of generating new and interesting asteroid shapes by
essentially "marrying" two or more asteroids' voxel
Reload currently edited sector
Control Fog and Sun colors
So it looks like pretty soon, not only will you be able to
enter multi-player games with buddies, but you'll also be
able set up basic scenarios too. Co-op, anyone? How's about
a HUGE space battle, where the outcome is never the same
Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.