Major Nelson says Microsoft is putting together a definitive list of answers to lingering Xbox One questions, and that “they look pretty good.”


Microsoft has said it is “listening” to the various complaints and concerns surrounding the unveiling of its next-generation Xbox One console last week.

Microsoft spokesperson Larry “Major Nelson” Hryb said that Microsoft is readying up a series of answers relating to key concerns over DRM, the need for the console to check in online, and a perceived lack of focus from Microsoft on gaming.

Responding to a critical statement on Twitter, Hryb said, “I am working on rounding up answers, and they look pretty good. Once I have them all I’ll make a post.”

“And yes, we are listening,” he asserted.

Many core questions about the nature of the Xbox One currently remain unanswered by Microsoft at this point, though the company has repeatedly assured gamers to wait for E3. The company earlier this week tried to calm fears about users’ privacy surrounding the Xbox One’s new Kinect sensor.

Last week Hryb said that “reports about our policies for trade in and resale are inaccurate and incomplete. We will disclose more information in the near future.” A previous report had said Microsoft and the original publisher will receive a cut of every used game sold in stores.

Microsoft executive Aaron Greenberg has said the company’s E3 showing will “get it right.”

For more information on Microsoft’s next-gen console, check out GameSpot’s Xbox One hub.

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Microsoft ’rounding up answers’ on Xbox One’s DRM stance” was posted by Martin Gaston on Fri, 31 May 2013 05:23:44 -0700

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