Five minute video shows off Microsoft’s reality-bending proof-of-concept device.


Microsoft’s IllumiRoom could sit on coffee tables and interact with the Xbox 720, a new report claims.

The proof-of-concept IllumiRoom device would work with Kinect to gather information about a gamer’s living room, and then project lights around their television set to extend the image displayed on the screen in real-time.

Microsoft looks likely to reveal more about the device at the CHI 2013 event in Paris, France tomorrow.

A video released by Microsoft says that self-calibrating IllumiRoom can “change the appearance of the room” to “distort reality, extend field of view, and enable entirely new gaming experiences.”

“IllumiRoom envisions a next-generation gaming console with a projector that sits on your coffee table and surrounds your television with projected light,” says one IllumiRoom video obtained by The Verge.

By using what the video calls radial wobble, for instance, the IllumiRoom can appear to make the living room shake to gunshot fire. “By distorting and reprojecting the room texture,” says the video “it is possible to warp reality and make it appear that the room itself is responding to the game.”

Other effects shown include falling snowflakes that can bounce off furniture or speed up depending on the actions taking place in-game.

The device is even shown working with Gearbox’s Borderlands and Valve’s mind-bending puzzler Portal.

Microsoft has released research notes and a five minute video showing the device in action:

[ Watch Video ]

Microsoft will reveal its next-generation console on May 21.

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Microsoft IllumiRoom envisions an Xbox 720 ‘with a projector’ ” was posted by Martin Gaston on Mon, 29 Apr 2013 06:30:06 -0700

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