Microsoft has revised and clarified its recently updated Game Content Usage Rules, which tells people how they may use Microsoft’s games to create content, specifically YouTube videos and Twitch streams.

The revision addresses some players’ concerns regarding the Usage Rules portion, which was originally worded in such a way that made them think they can’t use Microsoft game titles to describe their own videos.

“The policy has always been about enabling creators to use our game content, and we recognize it only works if their content can be found,” Microsoft’s Larry “Major Nelson” Hryb said on his blog. “The key here is for people to use game titles for discovery and not misrepresent Microsoft’s role in the content’s creation.”

Microsoft said that it heard players feedback, and provided the clarification with this revised clause. The short version is that it doesn’t want anyone to think something was made by Microsoft when it wasn’t:

“In addition, your Items may not use the name of the Microsoft Game in their title to give the impression that Microsoft is the source of the Item, or authorized or endorsed the Item. Items that make referential use of our titles are fine, for example, ‘Let’s Play Forza Motorsport 5’ or ‘Tips and Strategies for Halo 5.’ Using the Game title to tag your Item on social media is fine. We also don’t object to ‘Red vs. Blue’ or ‘Operation Chastity’. But we may object to ‘Halo: Covenant Strike,’ for example, if it could be confused as something Microsoft produced or licensed, or if it could be mistaken as an official part of the Game. We just want to make sure consumers don’t get confused.”

“Rest assured, we have not seen rampant abuse of this and we’re not actively seeking violations on YouTube and Twitch,” Hyrb said. “We love that you’re passionate about our games and we want you to create great works.”

You can find the full Game Content Usage Rules on Microsoft’s website.

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