Developer: 4A Games

Publisher: Deep Silver

Price: 49.99 – 59.99

Release Date: NA May 14th, 2013 EU May 17th, 2013 (Out now)

Genre: Survival Horror, First Person Shooter, Action

Platforms: PC, Xbox360, PS3, Wiiu

Where to get it: Greenmangaming, STEAM, Walmart, Gamestop


Metro: Last Light is a stunning and grim adventure through the open skies of a post apocalyptic

alternate universe of Moscow. This of course is a First Person Shooter that combines a bold taste of Survival Horror. Where every Health kit, an breathing device plays a big role in your ultimate survival. The game spots a fancy coat of top of the line graphics, along with a grim and well fit soundtrack.. Are there flaws to this well produced AAA title? Of course, Simply due to THQ’s Bankruptcy one element got placed into DLC, creating a controversy within the fan-base and press alike. This being a difficulty mode called “Ranger mode”. Simply charging a price for something that should have been in the game in the first place is sort of silly in a way. However it is not a total loss as the game is challenging enough to give most gamers a fair paced play through.


Arts and crafts designed weapons are back in this next step in the series. Practically what you will call a “whatever is laying around” sort of thing. The setting while like the first game opens up more exploring, in a linear sense of the word. As a short summery of the story, you are once again the first games protagonists Artyom. Brief story highlights are narrated by a pretty decent voice actor by the name of Adam Alexi-Malle. A short and brief spoiler is this game takes after the events much after the bombs that were dropped on the “Dark Ones”. Which that Artyom has some sort of physic connection too, ever since a child apparently. It all vibes together as a written novel. The charm and appeal of this game is its strong suspenseful atmosphere, with large ass spiders, armed soldiers, and nasty other creatures. Conversations between none playable characters can be heard among survivors, mentioning previous or current events in the Metros. These Metros are tunnels that house everyone who survived the Nuclear radiation in the surface above. A few factions are among this crowd of Staving Russians. That being Nazis, the Reds, and a Ranger group of which Artyom belongs too called the D6 colony.


Trying to say this game is any different from the first game is a verbal crime. While the first one was pretty good, it did have quite a bit of issues, one major one being its stealth. Last Light actually repairs and adjusts those said issues, making a better, tight, and impressive sequel. AI is much more responsive and is not afraid to fill your stomach with lead. The weaker AI out of the lot is the creatures you encounter, while they are quick to hop around, they are honestly very easy to take out. Even on Hardcore difficulty. On the other foot, the Humans were pretty solid in the terms of challenge to ether sneak by or take head on. Making me cuss out loud in frustration. Which naturally is not a bad thing, it means I required more critical thinking on behalf of taking out the group of enemies in other to access a switch, or a door to progress to the next fragment of the game. Going back to the elements of sneaking around, you are give a few handfuls of options on the scenarios, sneak in a vent, or cap some random guy if you have the guts.


The storyline was addicting, like picking up a good book, spending hours pacing your eyes for the next bit of information. Pardon the pun, Mister Dmitry Glukhovsky. Which is responsible for the games directed plot and setting. I would point out this game to boldly say next to Bioshock Infinite as one of the top FPS games of the year.


In Closing:

I truly do not want to reveal any more detail on the storyline as I am respectful towards the consumers who are interested in this game. The game is a major improvement to the first installment. I am majorly looking forward to the next part of the series.


Over all we give this game.



By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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