Keiji Inafune blog

Former Capcom executive Keiji Inafune has launched a new blog that details some of his goals moving forward, reports Andriasang. Though he calls himself “Keiji Inafune, without a title,” he says he hopes to make any game announcements on the personal blog. Currently, he says he doesn’t have any announcements to make.

He still wants to make games, but he’s using his newfound freedom to explore new game types, like social and online titles. He says that going forward, these burgeoning genres can’t be ignored. He also wants to push himself to make better games than he could before. “I’d like to challenge things that I couldn’t do during my salaryman era and greatly exceed my former self,” he says.

Inafune left Capcom a month ago, but didn’t go quietly. He’s been heavily critical of Japanese game development culture, both before and after leaving the company. His moves at Capcom seemed intent on bringing more global appeal to their games, but his comments showed a sense of frustration with cultural stagnation. Wherever he lands now, at least he won’t have to shout “Megafied” for product promotion.

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