In the video above, you get to see an eight-year-old boy who plays fighting games. At first, it’s like, “Oh, look at the cute little kid who plays games.” And then, all of a sudden, he starts kicking ass, and you realize he knows exactly what he’s doing.

His name is Noah, and he was one of the Marvel vs. Capcom 3 competitors at the EVO fighting game tournament this past weekend. The crowd loved him, and why not? He did quite well for someone competing against many of the world’s best players, leading to plenty of cheers when he did well and boos when his opponents managed to get some offense in.

The first of the videos below shows Noah initially falling to Royal Flush. It’s unfortunately interrupted by some advertisements, but you can then see the end of the next round, where he promptly wins while taking very little damage. He ends up taking the match thanks to the time limit running out, although that didn’t stop him from getting fired up afterward. The last video shows another Noah victory and the subsequent crowd explosion.

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