Movie Edit Pro 17 Plus

MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 17 Plus

MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 17 Plus is the first consumer video editing program to combine professional 2D video editing with a full 3D workflow for your own video footage.

3D design ● AVCHD editing ● Dolby®Digital 5.1

Only MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 17 Plus offers the unique combination of powerful editing tools, professional effects templates, extensive audio dubbing and individual customization options.

$79.99( From $99.99)

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$79.99 (From  $99.99)
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Score – 8.5
+Great valve for high production style software
+Cheap effects that could be useful for intros, scenes for your creative movies, and fantastic selection in their store.
+The interface is very easy to use everything is point and click and very customizable
+The support was quick to response and help address minor issues
– The few glitches or crashes

*Disclaimer: We were NOT under any circumstance Paid by Magix or said companies, all opinions are those of the reviewer.*

For Many years now Magix has produced and manufactured alot of software most considered stable and flexible for everyone’s pockets. Today we take a look at Magic Movie Edit Pro 17 Plus HD Edition. Alot of software cost a arm and a leg and for the most part are not the total package. Some of the important assists are missing or you need to pay close to hundreds just to download a transition or a effect that only does something minor or would be used for one time. With their store we seen Music,Video and Photos for backdrops as low as one dollar and some change.  The interface of the said software offers us a challenge to experiment with some effects and understand some outcomes of the process of balancing transitions and many of the titles that fit the mood and or style of the video. All of the menus to sub-menus were within eye sight and very easy to navigate. If you have a  issue with 3D this program might offend you..

The new aspect of 17 Plus HD is its 3D Editor finally allowing the user to create and make 3D movies. As we looked through the Titles, alot of those were Pre 3D and to our surprise with our 3D Shades looked clean, sharp and very professional with only a few clicks we accessed them, edited what we wished to say and within a few minutes we had it saying “Danny is the most attractive man in the world” quick and easy.
As today’s major focus in multimedia video wise. Alot of companies are curving to 3D as a revival of the classic invention. Today is a market of reinventing many simple to complex things like quick and easy ways to impress movie goers or to give the viewer a sort of interaction that they would not commonly get from simple story plots. While we know the success of the 3D market, today alot of television companies and movie producers are now working with the said process.
While using the software’s new 3D feature we were impressed that it allowed you move the interface. As using the product we made our old videos into amazingly easy 3D videos, giving all of us oo’s and Awes with using the 3D Effect.

With a video comes sound quality and knowing it comes dependable that without sound your video will not have the same impact. With the Audio editor it displays almost every thing in front of you to toggle and adjust to reflect or emulate
a sword swing from ear to ear. Or the sound of slashing water to your left ear. The off set for this products editing was good.

While we have mixed our fingertips with a few editors out there. We have to openly say this program might seem intimidating, but do not fret. It can make the newest of video professionals be comfortable and relaxed as we felt with the media to time line transaction. However every well rounded piece of software  comes some imperfections. Now with this software just being new. We did come across bugs and DLL errors as we loaded the software, for the first time. With a import test we did find that our AVI formatted videos from out Creative Hand-camera did have a issue with the video being sped-up, as well as the audio with trying to repair the speed on the video it was fixed, but for audio we found it that we had to convert the video format to WMV to fix the issue we encountered. Overall this is not anything new due to some codecs might need to be added to resolve some of these conversation issues within the software. When it came to Saving a major issue accured during the process that might be addressed, when in exporting, you can not see the progress not knowing if the said video is completed.

Along with this it has a small bundle of other software too from the Magix brand. Magix Music Editor 3, and  Magix Photo Designer 7. With the Magix Editor 3 we played around with the software and found it pretty basic and straight forward. For alot of music and  DJ Artists this might be a part of the software you could explore. Offering just about everything other Audio editors provide. And finally the
Magix Photo Designer 7 is much like and other photo editors out there. Is quite decent. but I stick to mostly my program
for most of my editing.

Granted we have a Sample Video for everyone to see the Quality and results of the said product.

With a few flaws and adjustments, this program is very solid. With a helpful support staff and the affordable price tag this is a piece of software we would suggest to ether save up for or invest into if you plan to step up your game and WoW friends and family with 3D movies.

8.5 out of 10.0
Score – 8.5
+Great valve for high production style software
+Cheap effects that could be useful for intros, scenes for your creative movies, and fantastic selection in their store.
+The interface is very easy to use everything is point and click and very customizable
+The support was quick to response and help address minor issues
– The few glitches or crashes

By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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