Publisher: HappyJuice Games
Developer: Joystick Ventures
Genre: Adventure, Puzzle
Where to buy: Nintendo, Steam
Price: $19.99USD
Release Date: 8/10/2022
As children we all had a adventure or two (I hope) ether in our minds, or on the playground. Whether pretending to be the Blue Ranger, or hopping over lava in the living room over some pillows, you did something imaginative. You play along with a duo of a brother and a sister through a wonderland style land of simple, to straight forward navigation. I was playing on the Switch version with zero forms of dropped frames. Everything felt perfect on the platform. the controls were pretty outstanding as well. Analog stick moved your character (the little girl) around spots without a hitch. Pressing X allowed me to flip through my inventory, then pick out the item I wanted by pressing A. Before the PC snobs stomp their feet at the idea of any sort of adventure game appearing on a console, can it, if it works damn well, then it does. Play your port, and let others play theirs! With that common sense out of the way, the game can be played roughly 6ish hours. If you are well seasoned adventure game player.

As I praise the game for its jelly bean mouthed smoothness in the graphical department. I also have one thing that bugs me, as this is a minor nitpick. Manual saving does not exist at least in this port of the game. As I understand each scene is set up as a scenario. It auto saves every so often. Which is not a huge, deal, but for someone who might have to run a errand, or turn the game off. This sort of thing is disappointing. As a manual save would be triple star platinum perfection in a game like this. Sure you may put your Switch into sleep mode, but what about a PC? Makes no sense right?

Aside from my banter the game has wall to wall puzzles to solve. Everything from quick slide tile puzzles to simple “find this to insert to there”. It is not a complicated game. Just some straight forward thinking is required. If you hate puzzles then perhaps you should move forward, if you Love them like myself, this game spoils you with them almost around every corner. Adorably brought to level with every scene feeling like a picture book, or a Saturday morning cartoon on some Cartoon channel. In closing, for the price and length of game play it is well worth the price. It is one of those experiences you see every so often that sticks out like a sore thumb. Perfect for kids, great for adults alike. Aside from light tongue and cheek crude humor during some bits here and there. Which is not a huge deal honestly.