Platforms: PC, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux

Developer: N-Fusion Interactive
Publisher: Replay Games
Price: $19.99  iOS/Android: $4.99
Release Date: June 27, 2013 (Out now!)

Where to Buy: GoG, Steam, Official Store, Amazon

Leisure suit Larry, as a series was great. Consisting one thought seven (part 4 was never made). Sadly after love for Sail the game toke a departure from the love fest that was dirty, and funny game play. Much like Space Quest, or Kings Quest for its time. Like those two games LSL was considered by a ton of PC gamers the cream of the corp. A great Adventure game. What, you wanted me to mention Police Quest? Naaaaa, part one was good, the rest were uninspired to mention.


Moving on this game takes the same elements from the first EGA/VGA games and simply gave it a modern look, not so much feel. I personally do not have a problem with this concept. People would want to play this game to have that old feeling when playing this game. Not have another over the shoulder LSL, which flopped.


New jokes, puns, and sexual elements are tossed into this game along with a new character you try to get lucky with. I will keep most of the story down to a minimum due to the nature of the game is as short as I remembered. You are Leisure Suit Larry, or Larry Laffer, a man hunting for love in the big city. Along the way you have to solve puzzles, and absorb the humor hidden in this game. Much like a I spy book, but not for kids.


As the game is short I can say the length is with more of the locating all of the hidden “Easter eggs”, and click-able spots where the narrator blurts out random information on behalf of the object, or environment in the game. Is the game worth twenty bucks? I would have aimed towards 14.99.

Angry Broads

The attention to detail was impressive, even the Angry Birds(Angry Broads) inspired game, made me laugh my ass off. As I mentioned to the game pretty much being the same game every one knows and remembered, it also has a lot of the exploits. Or tricks people used, such as The Ctrl trick to by pass the Adult filter. The game slows you down a fragment to have to build up money. Being slot machines(digitally) Or Black Jack if you so choose. While this was a painless feature from the first game, it was brought up to date graphically. However, seemed sort of lacking in the hi-res department with the fruit or icons.


A funny side thing to note, a lot of the faces you see in the game are actually Large spenders during the Kickstarter. Such as the Apple Vender (you will have to see this to believe it haha). I have heard plenty of older fans praise this reboot, or re-skin of the original game. While on the other hand, plenty of critics tried to compare with a more modernized company “Telltale Games”. Yes, they nailed it with “modern” point and click games, however this is not what Lowe wanted to approach the game with, he wanted to have the old fans feel some remembered in there past and be able to revisit it, with some extra content. Not too much, but enough to give you a feel again for the character. Now I am like a fanboy, goodie. Let me go toast some Eggo waffles and I will finish off this review.

Lost Wages

Right, I remembered that I had common sense and seen what the team had to work with and sympathize with the developer. Plus I never bought any Eggo products to cook up. What a damned unclear to stereotyped shame. The menu system has some new tricks, such as holding your mouse button down grants you the icons located above, offering two options of interactive formats. I preferred using the mouses scroll wheel. I am very happy they did not decide to make us type in the commands, god that drove me insane.

In Closing:
LSLR1, or Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded part one, is a well done game. While yes, short by the industries standards of today, however for older fans this is a big treat. Being able to see Larry in his new sharp resolution glory. With quite a few Easter eggs, and various things to do. Including achievements on steam side. The content, if you do not look up the walk-through online is pretty lengthy if you are new to the game, playing a guessing game of what to do with what and when. Otherwise, within 2 hours this game can be completed, that is with the slot machines. Taking everything from the original you get the idea.


Unless you are a diehard Leisure suit Larry fan this could be for you if you enjoy crude and funny sexual humor. Which is the gem of what the series was about. If you compare this to lets say the pace of the Back to the Future games if you do not cheat, you get the same time, tracking speed wise. If you were to play all of the Larrys back to back you would have a weekend ahead of you. So if Lowe and the gang decide to do a bundle of the series once all of the games are redone I could see a bright future for fans of the series, including perhaps seeing Leisure Suit Larry part 8: Explores Uranus. I am not making that name up by the way. I Loved this game and hope to be able to play more. Pick it up today at the links provided.

By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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