Developer: Almost Human Ltd.

Publisher: Almost Human Ltd.

Price: $14.99

Release Date: April 11, 2012

Where to get it: Steam, GOG and Developer website


“Legend of Grimrock is a dungeon crawling game with an old-school heart but with a modern execution. The game features survival, combat, magic, puzzles and role-playing elements. The player is a prisoner sentenced to death and exiled to the secluded Mount Grimrock for vile crimes he may or may not have committed. Unbeknownst to his captivators, the mountain is riddled with ancient tunnels and dungeons. The player’s mission is to form a team and escape by descending through the mountain, level by level. During the journey the player encounters mysterious puzzles, deadly traps, ancient tombs and murderous monsters left behind by crumbled civilizations long perished now.“

With a bit of flavor text like that, is it what it promises in a Western Adventure Rpg? It is safe to explore it and come out with a hell yes. Absolutely. Growing up with older titles such as the Dungeon & Dragons First person games, it was a big challenge for most people to understand closely what the hell was going on, mind you it required a strong fan of the style. Were these games successful? Of course, not always well received from most customers of PC gaming as well as early consoles. Many games explored the style, such as Shining In the Darkness, all the way to light elements of Digital Devil Saga, and Phantasy Star. How does this game bring back those elements? Well, let me break it down. Think of Wizardry, met Myst -like adventure game. Add a simple to understand control system, and great depth, for beginners.

The PC copy of Legend of Grimrock, is a shining revival of the first person dungeon crawler. Clever and well thought out puzzles met my glance. I was heavily surprised at when I walked into the game. The enemies, start off as semi a challenge, to you need to plan out your attacks. A example, enemies need to walk in a certain patterns such as yourself, so like in a game of chess, you need to lure a enemy where you can attack it. I found if I let enemies out from doorways, they would gang up on me and made my odds of survival slim to none. So a single file method usually was successful in certain combat. After awhile they introduce a crafting pot that you can build and make Healing potions, as well as anti poison. The list goes on but I will leave it to you to discover combinations.

Beside the shift movement, the game moves smoothly. As mentioned the controls are basic and understandable. Enemies with the contrast, also move very realistically. The tension to detail is fantastic, from the shroom people, to the creepy spiders all emulate realism(exception to giant spiders, I would have to buy a giant can of “Dear God kill it!”). Becide the huge orges, and soldier skeletons, what else is this game like? In formal standings, your run of the dungeon mazes, many nasty creatures to over come. The bigger question once you realize it is a dungeon crawler, Will it have Loot? Yes, and no, not in the terms of Diablo or many of the over head classics you remember, but does contain scattered armor, weapons and other gear through out the maze like dungeons and locations.

Closing Thoughts:

Surely, and truly, this game gives what allot of classic fans would want in a new generation First person adventure RPG. Stunning usually, built in intelligently, as well as providing a storyline that is there, but faintly. For the price tag, you are given a large to explore game. Which for a solid 19 hours,(we are slow). Once fully explored and conquered. is great for a current gen game. While the game delvers a knock out, one thing did bother me during the experience. The item system. Yes, once to you press 1-4(allows you to access your four adventurers) I understand you may open there item packs, right click a pot, and have your poison cured, health replenished. All that good stuff is good. But if your getting pounded on, it can waste time. I would have hoped for a action bar such as 4 sockets, or something related to Diablo’s quick bar, allowing you to access said items in a quick manner. Past that minor concern. It is a great alchemy system, To make said pots. Sorta like what you know of Minecraft. The combat, was fine, with a stall of delay when you make a accountable attack on the enemy. Hence forth turn based. Closing out, I truly loved the game and would instantly consider it a true gem to the Indie scene, next to many games out currently.




By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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