Media Create, the company that tracks sales data for Japanese video game software and hardware, amended its weekly report today with an assessment of Microsoft’s Kinect. Describing it as having “a quiet start,” the company reported that 26,000 units were sold during its launch weekend of November 20th & 21st. That figure includes stand-alone units as well as those bundled with a console.

Media Create made the inevitable comparison to PlayStation Move, stating that Kinect sold “about half” of what Sony’s motion controller sold during its October debut. Considering a major retailer estimated this week that Kinect was selling one-quarter of Move’s numbers, that’s an improvement. Also worth noting is the significant cost difference between the two: Japanese Move bundles start at only 5100 yen (approximately $60.89 USD, cheaper than a typical new game) while Kinect units cost 14,800 yen ($176.70).

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