When growing up with the series of Medal of Honor, where did Warfighter go wrong? Critically smacked around, was it truly a bad game? Some folks enjoy it, others say its a watered down buggy experience. It is times like these where it is very dangerous to flop a game in today’s market. Companies such as EA want something that will sell. At a fraction of the cost. Is this bad? Not truly in a executive standpoint, no. However to the consumer who is scratching sixty dollars down a head for that block buster AAA game, its costly. Specially with the cost of living. Personally, after awhile, a demographic will get tired of shooters if they feel the same. Feeling like one long line, rather then letting the player explore or discover how to complete the level. While some gems out there that offer this style. However it is a make it or break it in the market. While they are at this point just selling the name with a number by the cash cow, the point is this. Listen to the consumer, allow longer testing. Launch dates do not mean Beta testing for your game publishers. If you want happy customers, learn to put that extra dollar forward, and spend wisely.  Rather then using the public as free Gennie pigs with code vouchers from AAA titles to “test your game”. Hire professionals. I assure, it will cost you a lot less then printing out those small slips with printed digits.

With a graveyard expanding out for  first person shooters with the setting of ether world war two, or modern shooters. It is a shame to see some companies go broke. As I know, along with others there is so much more on the market to expand on, I think people really want more games other then call of duty to pass there time. Time is limited in this world, lets live it coming home from work, enjoying a good game to play competitively. Not stress of how unfinished or generic it feels like the “madden syndrome”.



By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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