April 7, 2011

Ok, so every PC Gamer just about has steam installed or has heard of the client service made by Valve by now, and know of its successful service through the tongue and cheek of every owner out there, exception to those who whine by misjudgments  of Steams Customer support or whatever may by the case.

So you know as well as steam there are various DLC companies out there including IGN, Gamersgate who have their fingers dipped into the pie that steam has built overtime too. A bad thing? Hell no, just stating the facts ma’am.

As time flows on most of these DLC companies check their quota or notice some product wishes to be sold to a certain line, or their just being kind to their loyal everyday users, whatever the case maybe the main thing matters and that is money. For a company to keep going they do the following, create traffic and interest to their clients or web pages through means of deals or sales, 100% much so like a normal supermarket trying to clear stock of their semi old grapes. If you can not see the comparison to a vine produced grape and a Game, then you sir need to go back to cooking school! Any who, I noticed much more recently, 3 major DLC sites were having random deals on alot of third market games, as well as some known market titles, example, I have seen Alien Vs Predator for a low cost of 5 dollars. Is it worth 5 bucks under the hood? Sure, I am not too keen on the title, nor is it my cup of tea with its lackluster game play with the 3 game types for the single player. Was the game well produced? Not so much, but still the 5 dollar make fits the said title, no problem. However another deal that I seen was Command and Conquer 4 was 5 dollars on Direct2drive, now I do know most of these games have meta-scores, at the same times I noticed sometimes the meta-score disappears off some of the sale pages on these sites, as to make the game seem tempting then and there, but when you go and play it you feel like your wallet was just ripped from out of your back pocket.

One of the more charming things now is Google is your friend for locating information on behalf of most of these games, seeing alot of opinions and various things out there. which is a great thing. The flavor of the month on the PC is mostly when less-then-other when you see some run of the mill FPS games get varied up for sale for 10 dollars, when naturally they have the same flavor, and style as most blockbuster style games of its type, but more then likely get ignored due to too many fanboys alter the perception people are not going to have fun on those overly hyped titles. Which to me is droned B.S. Now the fanboys can grudge against other companies for adapting concepts that work in there titles til the cows come home. To me, its about what appeals to me. What is more valve for the money and what will keep me hooked if its a well produced FPS title. Example, Battlefield Bad Company 2 for Xbox360 hooked me with its full published release, it was a crappy beta/demo but when I had the chance to try its full title I was blown away by its great multiplayer. So much so I feel and know BC2 has more depth then MW2 in gameplay. The objectives feel like objectives and the guns feel like guns. Now to Call of duty Modern warfare 2’s defense, yes I think it is a great little Arcade style shooter, with its assorted gamemodes and various grinding for Prestige  however, did not feel rewarding after hitting 4th prestige. Every year almost the same game comes out, an it ether is appealing, or flatout too linear to look at twice. One I did pickup was a FPS shooter named Modern Combat: Domination on the PS3. Is it a clone to Counter strike? Sure, doesit have concepts from CO:MW2? Yes it does, but to me its actually more appealing on the fact its simple, does not try to be anything more then it is and is affordable.

Now for the closing statement, is the sale prices worth most of these deals, it depends but at the same time don’t close out value for what your friends try to make you think or some random frat-boys pillow talk, buy what you think is deemed fun and screwover hyped video games that try to be more then what it is.

P.S. Yes I enjoy more games then FPS games, I also enjoy farmville(not really)

Yours truly,


By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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