MS, or Microsoft is known for its lackluster customer service in most cases, many times have I heard problems have been left unsolved or the customer was told there wrong. While I had two times where my console was RRoD, luckily under a hailstorm they were covering the consoles for free. I found gauge at this point of saving there own ass, and coming together as a profitable unit, even under hardware issues being the major concern. Recently it is not a coy subject, Microsoft has been on the receding end of a lot of negative criticism on there practices. While I am the kind of guy who tries to find positives out of the worst case scenario, I can easily point out a error or a issue. Is most of this just simply Sony fan-boys finding a free ride to talk smack? Some cases, sure honestly this time around it is more of worried and upset consumers who feel as if there rights were ”pirated away”.

Microsoft is currently as I seem to notice win the heart of the multimedia outlet, being movie companies, or even some first rate gaming publishers, such as EA. All the pieces seem to fall short of sales. Microsoft wants to line there pockets with platinum vs the silver they always had with short changing the consumer in certain aspects. Example being being able to access your video games online services, such as online multiplayer gaming, through heavily hyped games such as CoD, and sports titles. Many fans came to terms with this and pay by monthly to keep this fix of this socializing gaming.

Now on to the main event, the whole reason I am writing this article. While two truths are being displayed at once, it is slowly becoming a cluster of confusion and easily misinterpreted facts about the console, and it has not even been released to the public yet. Many reported fans of the once first placed selling console are leaping ship from the hype train. All pre-ordering, now the already sold units of the Playstation four(PS4). The more amusing fragment of this marketing warfare is the bragging. Both sides finding key points to win the votes of the fans of gaming. Almost presidential in stature. Both seeming rewarding in certain aspects. However making it a make or break deal is always the now forcefully used term “used game market” which in fact Microsoft is trying to help Developers and publishers make more bank for there games released. My main problem with this idea is its also limiting what a gamer calls there own rights to own a game, so when questioned on Twitter, or most social media outlets this is what we see:




Holy crap guys, really, pull it together. Most jokingly mention this thing is a full on Piano finished brick. Maybe Ray charlies will play this thing, but I see a large scale of people potentially buying this from advertisements alone. While blind buys are not uncommon and it happens. Kids do not care about this crap anyway, they have there parents swipe the good ole’ CC and call it a day. The major factor about this console is the now daunting reports of pulling many comforting things away from the consumer, then really giving that insurance. Pr alone has been providing information is both disheartening and outrageous. Even there own President Don Mattrick is shooting out terms like this:

To pretty much tell consumers who can not use the internet. This is bad imagery if you are telling a serviced soldier “hey if you want to modern game, go play the same thing, that has been giving you hardware failure to stick to it” While this console could be a major improvement, structure wise there there modern gaming needs. Having a gaming console that helps our men and women over seas entertained and taking there mind off things is important now. A deck of cards while serving a small justice to that, does not cut the deck for Gamers who happen to be out there. It would look excellent to a guy in a bunker if they can keep on gaming on the same thing they were affordability able to snag, and play locally with some buds. Yes I know there are bases who have fair connections and I have personally played online with these guys on a round or two on Call of Duty. However they did also mention they are mobile on there tours and require something compact and straight forward to lug around. The Xbox 360 was small enough to store and bring out when they wanted to game. Even the PS3 served well. Rather then complain about these issues I would rather praise all of these innovations or gimmicky attachments Xbox has on it. These things are beauty in the eye of the beholder at the end of the day. Personally this all is a disaster. Proportionally, on a large scale not the end of the world for consumers again who do not follow this crap, or do not care.

Recently Microsoft had Paid for crowd and damage control on a very popular website called Reddit, to dislike bomb any negative posts or comments, and praise the sun in any sort of positive posts. While the Xbox one is in a boat without a oar, the Sony could be almost guilty themselves. Well, that is a lie, as much as this article so far makes me out to be a fanboy. While I will admit due to recent news and facts put out I have became less of a fan of this upcoming generation of consoles. I am leaning more on the Wiiu and the PS4, then I truly want to buy a Xbox one.

In closing I do not Hate Xbox One, simply am having both a good laugh and a head shake of disappointment with the lack of support for region-free gaming. Hell even CD Prokect Red is having a good laugh over they can not even play there own upcoming game Witcher 3 on the freaking console at the moment. I have provided some light reading and some extra random sources of the current specifications for the 3 general consoles running.


Some pretty good articles were written on behalf of the piracy issues with the console, I will provide good source here: Rolling Stone.


Also to size up the current running of the three consoles IGN (I dare say) has put out a decent fact sheet that is worth a look over: IGN (Yuck)

By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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