A worthy challenge for the gentlemen demon hunters!

99 Levels to Hell, a challenging roguelike-platformer in which you shoot devious demons in dangerous dungeons randomly-generated to make each playthrough unique, is available 60% off today on GOG.com. That’s only $3.99 for the next 24 hours.

So, there’s this dungeon, see? And it’s infested by monsters, right? Not just your average overgrown bats and blood-thirsty mutated rats, no sir! We’re talking ghosts, ghouls, and god damn demons. It’s supposed to go way, way down. Some say it’s got ninety-and-nine levels, each more dangerous than the last one. There’s even talk around town that the underground goes as far as hell itself. Supposedly the Beast (not just a beast, mind you–the Beast) awaits for the adventurers bold, or stupid enough to venture down. And you tell me, that you’re excited at the prospect of exploring that place? My friend, I must admit, that’s mighty manly of you.

99 Levels to Hell has you exploring the depths of an ominous underground that starts to look more and more like a hellish pit with every level you descend. The stages are procedurally generated, assuring each playthrough to be different than the last one. There’s also enough weapons and special items to cater to your individual play style and let you slay the baddies any way you like. With challenging difficulty level, intense combat, and original style, 99 Levels to Hell can be recommended to any seasoned platformer fan!

Grab your tophat, fix your monocle, and start vanquishing evil like a sir in 99 Levels to Hell, for only $3.99 on GOG.com. The offer lasts until Thursday, May 16, at 9:59AM GMT.

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